Samurai toy back in trend!

Samurai toy back in trend!

Game Lab specialising in the Hobbies product category will present a new product Kendama of YoYoFactory at the Mir Detstva exhibition.

Kendama is a historical toy. In Japan, the samurai trained agility, accuracy and reaction with its help. Later it became known and popular throughout the world. Kendama consists of a handle with two bowls and a ball on a rope. The holder stick that looks like a hammer is called "Ken”. The ball is called “Tama”, it rests on a spike and there is a hole in it. Ken + Tama = Kendama.

Samurai toy back in trend!
Samurai toy back in trend!

There are no specific rules for playing with Kendama, but there are tricks of varying difficulty. Tricks can be learned from numerous video tutorials. You need to toss and catch the ball on the spike or bowls in a different sequence. Playing with Kendama calms and trains coordination. Kendama has become a popular youth hobby and sports toy along with puzzles and yoyo.

The YoYoFactory brand is a recognised leader in the yoyo building; it has released two versions of Kendama. The AIR model is made in a futuristic design, and the Catchy LED is backlit for spectacular play in darkened spaces. Both models are designed for children from eight years old; they allow you to perform the most spectacular tricks at a professional show level!