Stephele Bearte: we guarantee premium quality for an average price

Stephele Bearte® premium children's clothing is developed by Stephele Bearte, a French designer. The main focus of this young and ambitious brand is "the European quality from a Russian manufacturer". The original style of the brand – a sports luxury – distinguishes it from other Russian collections. Today, Stephele Beart® is more than ever focused on growth and development.
The company told about the anti-crisis steps taken:
– At the moment we are preparing a new stylish and luxurious Autumn-Winter 20/21 collection. We are doing everything possible to make sure that our collection will not become more expensive and will remain at the same average price level keeping our premium quality.
– We can say with confidence that we are not inferior in quality to such famous brands as Kenzo, TwinSet, Armani kids, although our price segment is several times lower than that of these brands. Therefore, in a situation when factories in Italy and France are forced to close, we can safely declare that we are ready to provide a decent alternative for customers.
– Moreover, we are already preparing for the post-crisis situation. We are developing additional proposals to promote our collections and attract customers in stores and boutiques – these are company hangers, company bags, baskets, advertising on facades, shelves, etc.
– We would like to address the entire community: we are sure that very soon we will delight our customers as usual, and we will get together at the autumn edition of CJF – Child and Junior Fashion!