Play Lab offers more than 200 modifications of various puzzles

Spending time thinking over a smart and beautiful game is especially important during the period of isolation. The main thing is not to lose your mind because of the abundance of offers. Moscow Play Lab, a distributor of the world's leading toy brands, has been operating in the market since 2006. There are a lot of puzzles, springs, anti-stress products for teens and adults in its ever-expanding product assortment. Viktor Zaritsky, Play Lab Commercial Director, spoke about the company's news.
– This year we introduced Hanayama® metal puzzles. We are expanding the product range of Chinese puzzles, including offers of author's models. We also deal with table logic games, there are interesting novelties in this category, too. We recently brought several interesting toys from an exhibition in Nuremberg. But besides these items, there are more than 200 different modifications of puzzles in our warehouse.

– ToyNews, a European magazine for toys, reported a 62% increase in sales of table games and toys over the past week (UK data). Experts explain that it happened due to the quarantine and self-isolation. Both adults and children have to stay at home, and what could be better at such moments than playing a good table game or finally learn how to collect the Rubik's Cube with the whole family! Perhaps, having created a home-stock of buckwheat and pasta, our customers will begin to storm online toy and board game stores.
– The success of the Rubik's Cube still inspires many, but often attempts to reproduce it result in simple copying. There are quite a few truly original inventions of puzzles of this type, and some of them were made by our Russian inventors. We don't talk or write much about it. But, for example, a Japanese company recently has licensed a puzzle invented in Russia.
– We are looking forward to seeing you at our stand at Mir Detstva exhibition in autumn. We will present many interesting new products.