Mart Company: Do not be afraid of changes, just work skillfully with them

Mart Company does not need to be represented: it is one of the pioneers of the Russian toy market, the first to start the distribution of world-famous toy brands. Yaroslav Klets, Advertising Department Head of Mart OOO, tells how the company copes with the crisis phenomena:
– The world coronavirus pandemic has been an undeniable catalyst to expand online commerce in goods sales and services for children. Internet platforms themselves are not, of course, an innovation in 2020. But such an abrupt shift of demand to online shops every day moves the bar upwards regarding the product range quality, service level, and delivery speed. In the direction of consumer safety, e.g. due to the quarantine, even new standards and terminology have emerged, for example, the "non-contact delivery". For Mart OOO to be out of trend and play in this market with the lag is simply unacceptable.
From the first days of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of self-isolation regimes in the regions of the Russian Federation, the work of our online store has become even more intense. The range of products on the websites has been expanded, the operating hours have been increased, and of course, a non-contact delivery method has been introduced.
For a distributor, working with marketplaces is also not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In addition to selecting the actual assortment for a particular website, a completely new level of the product range is required. If before this factor was given much less importance, now the level of representation of your products at the marketplaces is a key point for the customer to make a purchase decision. That is why Mart Company is constantly monitoring the representation of its brands on Internet sales platforms. Our experienced brand managers check, correct, and supplement product descriptions to meet new customers’ requirements. Our highly qualified designers shoot products in the 360⁰ mode using modern video and photo equipment conducting detailed processing of photos according to the requirements of the websites. For the quality promotion of the goods at the marketplaces, just meeting the minimum requirements is no longer enough, therefore 3D photos, short videos for product cards, expanded videos with unpacking instructions on YouTube – all this has become for us just a regular set of actions of products' handling. The standard advertising methods are becoming less effective, the rapid development of targeted advertising requires redistributing the budgets and resources in favor of Internet promotion.
Undoubtedly, the pandemic will end, and life will gradually return to normal, but the current trends in the market of the children's goods will only be gaining momentum, and the volume of online trade will be occupying an increasing market share.
With trust in a good, bright, and high-tech future!
Mart OOO Team.